Dr. Boyd

Rhinoplasty 900

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Male rhinoplasties are less than 10 percent of the total. It is said that the young male rhinoplasty patient is more difficult to deal with than his female counterpart though I have not found this.

This 25-year-old male was mainly concerned with the dorsal curvature of his nose, and it had to be pointed out to him that his chin and nose were completely out of balance. I carried out an open rhinoplasty and inserted a chin implant to restore harmony to the face as well as to correct the dorsal hump.

Note that the chin implant appears to lengthen the horizontal component of the neck. I utilize this occasionally when performing facelifts.

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Dr. Boyd's office is located in Palos Verdes (Rolling Hills Estates)

550 Deep Valley Drive, Suite 283
Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274

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