Dr. Boyd


Cosmetic Surgery for Men on the Rise

Posted January 14, 2020 in BOTOX® Cosmetic, Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty), Gynecomastia Surgery

5 min read

More and more men are undergoing cosmetic procedures. 

Studies show that since 2000, the number of male patients visiting plastic surgeons has been increasing significantly every year. 

But few casual observers have noticed this steadily rising trend—and perhaps that’s the point. 

Of the millions of cosmetic operations performed annually, more than 1.3 million are male surgical procedures, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons

This represents a 29 percent increase in male cosmetic surgery since 2000. So, why are so many more men undergoing cosmetic procedures every year?

Plastic surgery is becoming technologically advanced with effective and safe techniques that are now more affordable, particularly since financing options and promotions are commonly available. 

Surgeons can offer both surgical and non-invasive treatments to men and women of all ages, ethnicities, and backgrounds.

Why Are Men Undergoing Cosmetic Surgery?

The cultural and aesthetic standards of individuals are diverse, and this is reflected in different motivations and desired outcomes when it comes to cosmetic surgery.

Some men have a procedure done for reasons of self-esteem, some want aesthetic improvement to become more attractive, while others seek to address perceived ageism at work.

Whether you seek to trim down your midsection,  remove facial sagging, or straighten a misshapen nose, there are procedures and treatments available for nearly everyone.

Misconceptions About Cosmetic Procedures

The rise in the number of cosmetic procedures for men is not, as some have conjectured, a signal that attitudes towards masculinity are shifting. 

Rather, cosmetic medicine has made great advances and attitudes to it have evolved with time. Myths and negative stigmata about cosmetic surgery are slowly lifting as treatments become more effective and people are happy to discuss the fact that they have had ‘something done.’

Retain Your Masculinity

Men who receive cosmetic surgery and non-surgical cosmetic procedures are as “macho” as their surgically adverse cohorts. 

Typically, these patients are high-powered executives and attorneys, small business owners, and Baby Boomers who are competing with their younger-looking counterparts both in the workplace and on dating apps. 

These are men who are meticulous about their physical fitness and want to improve the parts of their bodies that don’t respond to diet and exercise—beer bellies, spare tires, love handles, wrinkles, double chins, and sagging jowls.

For example, Dr. Boyd offers eyelid surgery to help men correct that “tired look” and liposuction to help eliminate persistent pockets of fat that can’t be toned through exercise training alone. 

He also offers minimally invasive facial procedures, such as BOTOX® Cosmetic, which relaxes muscles that cause facial lines. 

Non-surgical laser treatments remove scars, sun damage, wrinkles, and hair, and they rejuvenate the skin. 

What Are Men Looking For?

Anterior incision facelifts are also important since most men complain of heavy neck folds down the midline of the neck. This procedure can be done in the office under local anesthetic, but plastic surgeons must work diligently to minimize and hide these facelift scars naturally.

For men, looking younger without making it too obvious that work has been done is key. The steady rise in cosmetic procedures for men is a testament to the ways that today’s subtler, less invasive procedures make it possible.

Top Cosmetic Procedures for Men

For women, the Mommy Makeover is a combination procedure to address multiple concerns with the body after childbirth that has been popular for a long time. (See Dr. Boyd’s blog on this topic.) 

But now, the Daddy-Do-Over procedure is also starting to grow in popularity. By combining multiple surgeries into one procedure, various concerns can be addressed simultaneously.

The more commonly requested procedures include:

  • Gynecomastia: Men with enlarged breasts can undergo breast reduction surgery for a more masculine, chest with muscle definition.
  • Rhinoplasty: Nasal surgery can reshape the nose for a stronger yet more refined nasal structure. Breathing problems may be corrected at the same time.
  • Blepharoplasty: Eyelid surgery can reduce excess skin and fat around the eyes to give a less tired, youthful look, improve obstructed vision and eliminate under-eye bags.
  • Liposuction: When fat deposits refuse to budge with diet and exercise, liposuction removes fatty tissue for a slimmer appearance.
  • Genitourinary Reconstruction: Gender reassignment surgery is becoming more acceptable to both the public and insurance providers. Dr. Boyd performs phalloplasty to reconstruct the male penis after surgical excision in addition to providing a phallus for female-to-male transexuals (FTM).

What Is the Next Step?

Do you have stubborn excess skin or fat that is exercise and diet-resistant? Is your facial aging holding you back? If so, then plastic surgery may be the way to go. Please look at Dr. Boyd’s photo gallery to get some idea of what you may expect from surgery.

Call our office at (310) 597-4734 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Boyd and discuss your concerns. After evaluating your wishes and needs, he can recommend treatments to help achieve your desired results.

Dr. Boyd can also be reached by filling out this online contact form.

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Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274

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